

I already have a boyfriend. It's been four months since we became on. He's such a nice guy. He's mature and caring and very understanding. He's ten years older than me and is already working. I think he's already financially stable. He's also a Filipino, his family came from Iloilo, but he grew up in Chicago.

We had sex after a month of our relationship, I can barely walk that day, that first time. I already met his parents, I spent my Christmas vacation at their home in Illinois. I was shocked when he invited me and was so nervous in meeting his folks, but they were nice to me too. I'll be spending my Spring break at his apartment, he already made some arrangements, my two-way ticket's been bought.

Mommy and the rest of my family didn't know he's my boyfriend, all they know's he's a boy friend. Me befriending a guy a decade older than I am isn't a big deal to them, not yet at least. You see, he's more experienced than I do and..stuff.

I'll be graduating next year and I'm planning to look for a job in Chicago and live with him. I'm sorry if I didn't tell you right away, I hope you understand that it's very hard on my part. Please don't hate me for being gay, I was born this way, Ate.


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