
Of Women, Tests, and Hints

I still don't get why women give men "tests". ITT guy told me about this girl he used to date. She would tell him she would call him at a certain hour, but she won't and expected him to call her instead. Of course, since he was told she was the one who's going to call him, he waited and never bothered to check on her (I think it's kinda douche-y of him not calling her, but I think that's because they were just seeing each other and were not together yet). By the next day she told him he failed her little test.

I was having a fit last night when I heard that story. I never tested any of the guys I went out with like that. Maybe I should have..hmmm.. LOL!

After reading a blog entry from Bedroom Blog By Veronica, I again questioned myself if I really am a woman or not. I don't give guys hints. I am as subtle as a gun when it comes to what I want and what I do not. Maybe that's why men think of me as a snow queen and a dude, because I do not act like my specie.

Women confuse me, but what's more irritating are men who act like women.

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